Michelle Bloodworth from Las Vegas finds the process of “journaling a Bible verse or two” to be pivotal for hiding His Truth in her heart.

·      The more Michelle writes Bible verses, the more she realizes ‘how much’ God loves her.

·      She remembers more of His precepts when she writes down Bible verses in her daily Faith journal.

·      Scripture writing also takes Michelle to places in the Bible she may have never read in the past.

  • You may want to pursue Jesus relentlessly for a fresh start every day.

  • Just know… His Truth pierces our hearts and refreshes our souls.

  • There is power at the Cross.

 “This Faith Journal is an experiential journey for you to deepen your relationship with God. As you read God’s Word, His promises will strengthen your heart and following the guided  prompts will inspire forgiveness and restoration in your relationships. Journaling helps you build a prayerful life that allows you to rest on Him when burdened by today’s challenges. Journaling His Word invites the Holy Spirit to counsel and guide you through burdens, hardships and pain.” Kathy Bornarth, MA, LPC,

President of the National Association of Christian Journal Writers

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